Round Table Discussion entitled “In Search of Solutions” within the Scientific Club of Young Economists
On December 13, 2024, the Department of International Economic Relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a round table discussion entitled “In Search of Solutions” within the Scientific Club of Young Economists. The discussion was led by Resul Gylyjov, a 4th year-student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, and was attended by 4 teachers, 14 students, and a master’s student.
During the meeting, R. Gylyjov introduced the participants with the questions to share their thoughts and propose appropriate solutions. At the round table discussion, participants expressed their opinions on the presented questions.
Mahrijemal Mamedova and Ayna Satgeldiyeva, the lecturers of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Department of International Economic Relations, along with the students of that faculty Resul Gylyjov, Oraztach Chapayeva, Muhammetguly Kulyyev, Kerim Serdarov and others, shared their views on the topics discussed. The participants’ suggestions were reviewed and summarized.
The meeting was concluded by the speech of Ovezmyrat Bashimow, a professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and a candidate of technical sciences.
the fourth-year student
of the Faculty of International Economic Relations
of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.