In the organization of the training center on the important areas of diplomacy of Turkmenistan of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Internet Olympiad will be held among the students of higher education institutions of Turkmenistan in the areas of energy, transport and water diplomacy of Turkmenistan.
In our independent, permanent neutral state of Turkmenistan, special importance is attached to the development of science and technology under the wise leadership of the Honorable President, to raising the level of consciousness of the people, and ensuring the integrity of science, technology and production. Large-scale programs and plans aimed at achieving the standards typical of the developed countries of the world in terms of economic and social development of Turkmenistan are based on fundamental scientific principles.
As the main strategic force of large-scale reforms, the President of Turkmenistan gave important instructions to support and encourage the implementation of programs and creative initiatives of talented youth aimed at further prosperity of the country, as well as the development of international youth cooperation in the field of science and education, Implementation of the concept of political direction for 2022-2028, "Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State:the National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052", " the Program of the President of Turkmenistan on social-economic development of the country for 2022-2028", as well as based on the tasks defined in the program "The State Policy on Youth in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025” and the establishment of a training center on the important areas of diplomacy of Turkmenistan among students of higher educational institutions of the country, the energy, transport and water areas of diplomacy Turkmenistan holds the Internet Olympiad in accordance with these regulations.
The main goal of this internet olympiad is to deepen the foreign policy of the President of Turkmenistan, first of all, the international initiatives aimed at carrying out effective international cooperation on energy, transport and water issues at the United Nations General Assembly, summits of international and regional organizations, and their practical implementation and as well identifying ideal, modern and talented youth.
Cooperation and important initiatives aimed at ensuring reliable energy security in the world of independent and neutral Turkmenistan are widely supported by the international community and are reflected in practice. So, the adoption of the resolution by the General Assembly on December 19, 2008 and May 17, 2013 on “Reliable and stable transit of energy and its role in ensuring sustainable development and international cooperation is clearly evidenced. However , Turkmenistan, implementing a broad economic diversification program, successfully puts into practice multi-faceted projects in bringing its natural resources to the world market.
Turkmenistan widely develops international cooperation in the field of transport as an integral part of its foreign policy and international cooperation. In this field, the major international projects implemented by the country and the initiatives promoted by the UN and other international organizations are one of the clear evidences of the successful implementation of the foreign policy strategy. In international relations, our country has launched a number of initiatives aimed at the comprehensive development of the transport system, strengthening the communication between transports, supporting the economies of landlocked countries, and makes political and diplomatic efforts in this field.
Turkmenistan actively participates in the launch and implementation of regional and global projects. In order to develop the transport-logistics system at the international and regional level, and to make it work according to modern conditions, the initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan in the transport sector are widely supported by the world community. The unanimous adoption of UN General Assembly Resolutions on sustainable transport system development in 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2021 indicates the country's high reputation in the international space.
In foreign policy, our country continuously carries out activities aimed at the development of environmental and water diplomacy, focusing on public interests. In the international space, in various consultations, bilateral and multilateral relations, the environmental and water initiatives of Turkmenistan are of great importance and are widely supported by the world community.
These principles of the National Leader were reflected in the speeches at such forums as the "Rio + 20" on sustainable development, held in Brazil in June 2012, the III UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in March 2015 in Brazil. Sendai, Japan, and in April 2015 in Daegu, Republic of Korea, VII World Water Conference and Forums "Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028", held on June 20, 2018 in the Republic of Tajikistan under the auspices of the United Nations. The issue of Aral is the main direction of protecting of regional security and integrity in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan. As the national leader of the Turkmen people pointed out, the issue of protecting the Aral Sea cannot be considered as an internal and regional one. In order to solve it successfully, the support of the world community, a new concentrated, integrated international approach, and theregular participation of the United Nations in this work are necessary. In this regard, at the Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, Turkmenistan decided to develop a special line of work of the UN, which was adopted by the UN for the Aral and proposed to call it a special program, which includes specific plans to stabilize and improve the situation in the Aral Sea region.
The ongoing Internet Olympiad is designed to draw the attention of students to important work and achievements in the above areas, as well as to identify the scientific and educational skills accumulated in these areas of our country.
Organizational issues and general rules for holding the Internet Olympiad:
* The Internet Olympiad will be held among students of higher educational institutions Turkmenistan in the form of a test covering the main issues of Turkmenistan's diplomacy in the fields of energy, transport and water. • A student of any higher education institution of the country can participate in the Olympiad. The Olympiad will be held in the Turkmen language.
* Questions to be asked in the Internet Olympiad will include important issues of Turkmenistan's diplomacy in the fields of energy, transport and water resources, as well as the achievements of the country's foreign policy in relevant areas and it will require in-depth knowledge of these issues.
* Students who are interested in participating in the Olympiad should complete the registration form and send it to hoshanovat@gmail.com by May 1, 2023.
T/b | Name of Higher Education Institution (must be written in full) | Student's surname, first name and patronymic: | Major and year of study | Student's phone number and email address |
1. | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2. | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Total: | ... | ... | ... | ... |
* According to the required rules, the right to participate in the Olympiad will be granted to the holders of the application submitted to the organizing committee before the specified date.
* The Olympiad will be held online on May 10, 2023 at 15:00.
* Participants with the highest scores will be announced as winners and awarded with Certificates of Honor and souvenirs from the Institute of International Relations. When placing an announcement, a responsible specialist in each discipline must provide a list of literature that is offered for the preparation of participants in the Olympiad. Recommended literature:
1. S.Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistanyň energetika we ykdysady howpsuzlygy. – Aşgabat, 2017.
2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Ösüşiň täze belentliklerine tarap. Saýlanan eserler. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy. – Aşgabat, 2008-2018 ý.ý. (1-11-nji tomlar).
3. H. Geldiýew, N. Suwhanow. Halkara energetika howpsuzlygy. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy. – Aşgabat, 2017.
4. B. Karaýew we başgalar. Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy. – Aşgabat, 2017.
7. www.iirmfa.edu.tm
8. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Suw – ýaşaýyşyň we bolçulygyň çeşmesi. – A.:, TDNG, 2007.
9. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistan Durnukly ösüşiň maksatlaryna ýetmegiň ýolunda. – A.: TDNG, 2018.
10. Karaýew B. we başg. Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty.Ýokary okuw mekdepleri üçin okuw kitaby. – A.: TDNG, 2017.
11. Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň 2014-nji ýylyň 8-nji noýabryndaky “Hazar deňziniň suw biologik serişdelerini gorap saklamak we rejeli peýdalanmak hakynda Ylalaşygy tassyklamak hakynda” № 154-V belgili karary.
12. Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň 2018-nji ýylyň 1-nji dekabryndaky “Hazar deňziniň hukuk derejesi hakynda Konwensiýany tassyklamak hakynda” № 108-VI belgili karary.
13. https://ru-euronews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/ru.euronews.com/amp/2018/08/16/aktau-caspian
14. https://carececo.org/main/news/un-ifas-resolution/
15. https://carececo.org/main/news/turkmenistan-vozglavit-mezhdunarodnyy-fond-spaseniya-arala/
16. https://www.mfa.gov.tm/ru/aral
17. https://turkmenportal.com/blog/24071/v-mid-podveli-itogi-predsedatelstva
18. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistanyň durmuş-ykdysady ösüşiniň döwlet kadalaşdyrylyşy, I we II tomlary. – Aşgabat: TDNG, 2010.
19. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistan – Beýik ýüpek ýolunyň ýüregi. I we II tomlary. – Aşgabat: TDNG, 2017-2018.
20. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistan durnukly ösüşiň maksatlaryna ýetmegiň ýolunda. – Aşgabat: TDNG, 2018.
21. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Türkmenistan – Bitaraplyk mekany. – Aşgabat: TDNG, 2020.
22. «Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty we diplomatiýasy» žurnaly, 2014-nji ýylyň №4,
23. «Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty we diplomatiýasy» žurnaly, 2016-nji ýylyň №4,
24. «Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty we diplomatiýasy» žurnaly, 2022-nji ýylyň №3,
25. «Türkmenistanyň daşary syýasaty we diplomatiýasy» žurnaly, 2022-nji ýylyň №1,4,
26. «Türkmenistanyň daşary ykdysady işini ösdürmegiň 2020-2025-nji ýyllar üçin Maksatnamasyna»
27. «Türkmenistanyň 2021–2030-njy ýyllar üçin daşary söwda Strategiýasyna»
28. «Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ulag diplomatiýasyny ösdürmegiň 2022-2025-nji ýyllar üçin Maksatnamasy»
29. Türkmenistanyň durnukly ulag ulgamyny döretmek baradaky halkara başlangyçlarynyň dabaranlamagy ylmy makalalaryň ýygyndysy. Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy Aşgabat 2017 ý.
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