A General Training Course
On November 20, 2023, a general training course on the topic "The Poetry of Magtymgulyis the Spiritual Sourse of the National School" was held for the members of school "Young Diplomats" at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The training course was conducted by Amannepes Shikhnepesov, head of the department ofTurkmen literature of the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, the candidate of philological sciences.
During the training course, the lecturer told the students about patriotism, humanitarianism and artistic description pf manners and qualities of a diplomat as well as expression of politeness in poems of Magtymguly Pyragy such as "Yar gerekdir", "Janyna degmez", "Zor bolar", "Il yagshy". During the training course, the members of the "Young Diplomats" school received valuable information that interested them and shared some questions related to this topic.
The holding of such general training courses before each game of the "Young Messengers of Peace" intellectual competition, conducting general education classes on the relevant topic is of particular importance in improving the knowledge of participating schoolchildren.
the 1st year student of the Faculty of International Journalism
of the
Institute of International Relations
of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.