About holding of the creativity competition “World Languages – Bridge of Fraternity and Friendship”
on organizing and holding of the Creativity Competition among the students of Higher Educational Establishments titled «World Languages – Bridge of Fraternity and Friendship» on the occasion of the Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan.
Under the wise leadership of Hero Arkadagly Serdar our Motherland gains great achievements in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State. Great expectations are laid on the youth who make worthy contributions to the development of our country. All opportunities are created for revealing their skills and competence. Following the encouraging words of our Hero Arkadagly Serdar: «providing the necessary conditions for in-depth study by young people of foreign languages, literature and art, in connection with which creative competitions should be held regularly» on the purpose of increasing desires of youth for their profession and performing monitoring on the quality of their knowledge, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Counsel of the City of Ashgabat of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and Editorial Office of the magazine of «Dunya Edebiyaty» prepared the following Regulation on joint holding of the Creativity Competition titled « World Languages – Bridge of Fraternity and Friendship» on behalf of the Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan.
General provisions
Following Regulation is the normalizing document of organizing and holding of Creativity Competition titled «World Languages – Bridge of Fraternity and Friendship» among the students of higher educational establishments and states the schedule of holding it.
Holding the Creativity Competition among the students of higher educational establishments will support to develop their translation skills, enlarge their lexicon and desires to deep knowledge of foreign languages, as well as enhance their literacy.
The youth shall reveal their talents and skills getting acquainted with the literature of other nations, develop their characters like humanity, honesty, diligence and nobility with the help of the training materials.
Purpose of the competition:
a) train the students in the patriotic spirit;
b) develop the creativity skills of the young generation and enlarge their outlook;
c) reveal the talented youth with profound translation skills and train them;
d) develop their translation skills which connect the world culture in our country, enhance their skills, make friendly and cultivate spiritual-morality.
Tasks of the competition:
a) prepare skillful, competent and enthusiastic journalists;
b) put forward the youth to translation art and award them for their demonstration of skills and competence.
Conditions of the competition and schedule of its holding
Young translators shall translate the extracts from the world famous writers’ prosaic work or poets’ poems into Turkmen (no less than 5-6 pages) and recommend them untill January 10, 2025.
- Works chosen for translation should follow the national-spiritual principles and morality of the Turkmen people. It is expedient to follow the insightful words of our President: «Nowadays the books which help to improve cheerfulness, inspiration are read much. Such kinds of books at times help to reveal their skills».
- Not admitted the translations which were translated before (published or printed as a book).
- Participants shall recommend their work with the following writings «World Languages – Bridge of Fraternity and Friendship» and send their information (information list, copy of their passport, 3x4 photo, address of residence and telephone numbers) to e-mail dunyaedebiyaty@sanly.tm of «Dunya edebiyaty» magazine.
- The Jury Committee shall be formed by the organizers of the competition for selection of the best translations and more distinguished works will be published in «Dunya edebiyaty» magazine.
- The results of the competition will be concluded in February of 2025 on behalf of Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan. The winners of the competition shall be awarded Certificates and valuable gifts by the organizers in a ceremonial state.
For information: Editorial Office of «Dunya edebiyaty» magazine, Telephone Numbers: 39-96-09, 39-96-16, 39-96-19.