Contest on the Occasion of the United Nations Day
Today, October 22, 2021, a contest titled “UN as a major strategic partner of Turkmenistan” was organized by the “Lingvo World” сlub of the Department of World Languages of the Institute of International Relations of the MFA of Turkmenistan among the students of four faculties of the Institute. It was devoted to the UN Day. It is known that October 24 is marked as the United Nations Day. On October 24 the UN officially came into existence. On that day the UN Charter came into force.
The contest was held in the English language. At the contest four teams, one team from each faculty competed in the following tasks. They are:
1) to make a presentation on the UN major organs;
2) to answer the questions on the history, structure, activities of the United Nations;
3) to speak in English about cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN, as well as about the international initiatives and proposals of the esteemed President of Turkmenistan put forward at the 76th UN General Assembly session.
The aim of the contest were to improve language skills of students and to widen their knowledge about the United Nations. The jury consisted of the lecturers of the Department of World Languages. At the end of the contest, the jury announced the winners.
The first place was nominated to the team from the Faculty of International Journalism, the second – the Faculty of International Economic Relations, the third – the Faculty of International Relations.
Amanbagt USSAYEVA,
Student of the Faculty of International Law of the
Institute of International Relations of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan