General Conference
42 nd session, Paris, 2023
42 C/15 2 November 2023 Original: EnglishItem
Source: 216 EX/Decision 28 and 217 EX/Decision 32.
Background: In accordance with 195 EX/Decision 25 and 206 EX/Decision 30, the Director-General submitted at the 216th and 217th sessions of the Executive Board the proposals of Member States concerning the celebration of anniversaries deemed to comply with the statutory criteria and procedure.
Purpose: The General Conference is required to make a decision with regard to the recommendations made by the Executive Board concerning the celebration of anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated in 2024-2025, which are contained in 216 EX/Decision 28 and 217 EX/Decision 32.
Decision required: Paragraph 4.
1. In accordance with the statutory procedure for the selection of anniversaries (195 EX/Decision 25 and 206 EX/Decision 30), the Director-General submitted to the Executive Board at its 216th session a list of 46 proposals for inclusion in the timetable of celebrations for 2024-2025 (document 216 EX/28).
2. In accordance with 195 EX/Decision 25 and 206 EX/Decision 30, Member States from under-represented or unrepresented regions were invited to submit new proposals for the period 2024- 2025 and to submit appeals, if they so wished, concerning requests which had been rejected in the first stage of the procedure. The Director-General thus submitted to the Executive Board at its 217th session a list of seven (7) proposals, including revised proposals and new proposals for the celebration of anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated in 2024-2025 (document 217 EX/32).
3. The Executive Board, at its 216th and 217th sessions, recommended that the General Conference select for celebration the anniversaries proposed by Member States and contained in 216 EX/Decision 28 and 217 EX/Decision 32.
Proposed draft resolution
4. In light of the above, the General Conference may wish to adopt a resolution along the following lines:
The General Conference, Having examineddocument 42 C/15, Recalling 195 EX/Decision 25 and 206 EX/Decision 30,
1. Encourages Member States to improve geographical representation and to promote gender equality in order to improve the quality, representativeness and visibility of the programme;
2. Decides that UNESCO will be associated in 2024-2025 with the celebration of the anniversaries contained in the Annex to document 42 C/15;
3. Also decides that any contribution by the Organization to these celebrations shall be financed under the Participation Programme, in accordance with the rules governing that Programme.
42 C/15 Annex
1. 100th anniversary of the birth of Yolanda Ortiz, Doctor of Chemistry, active defender of the rights of nature and people, (1923-2019) (Argentina)
2. 100th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Parajanov (Parajanyan), filmmaker (1924-1990) (joint proposal by Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, with the support of Cyprus, France, Italy, Lebanon and Poland)
3. 100th anniversary of the birth of Charles Aznavour (Shahnour Vaghinag Aznavourian) singer, songwriter and actor (1924-2018) (joint proposal by Armenia and France, with the support of Andorra, Italy Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Senegal and the UNESCO Francophone Group)
4. 900th anniversary of Ajami Nakhchivani, architect (1125 – late 12th century) (Azerbaijan, with the support of Türkiye and Turkmenistan)
5. 100th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Vladimirovich Bykov (Vasil Uladzimiravič Bykaŭ), writer (1924-2003) (Belarus, with the support of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation and Tajikistan)
6. 200th anniversary of the publication of the first new Bulgarian textbook “The Fish Primer”, a Bulgarian cultural feat in the XIX century published by Petar Beron (1824) (Bulgaria, with the support of France and Romania)
7. 100th anniversary of Amílcar Cabral: The man and his universal work (Cabo Verde with the support of Mozambique and Senegal)
8. 1800th anniversary of the birth of Liu Hui (China with the support of Azerbaijan and Republic of Korea)
9. 100th anniversary of the birth of Alfredo Guevara Valdés (Cuba)
10. 200th anniversary of the birth of Bedřich Smetana, composer (1824-1884) (Czechia, with the support of Austria, Germany and Sweden)
11.50th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Lubumbashi (UNILU) (Democratic Republic of Congo)
12. 50th Anniversary of the death of Matilde Hidalgo Navarro, first Ecuadorian woman to pursue medical studies, feminist and advocate for women’s rights (1889-1974) (Ecuador)
13.50th anniversary of the death of Joséphine Baker, singer, actress, anti-racist activist, and member of the French Resistance (1906-1975) (France, with the support of Belgium, Italy, Monaco, Morocco and Portugal)
14. 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant, philosopher (1724-1804) (Germany)
15. 50th anniversary of the death of Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain, anthropologist and writer (1898-1975) (Haiti with the support of Cuba, Ethiopia and Gabon)
16.200th anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1825) (Hungary, with the support of Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia)
17. 250th anniversary of the birth of Teréz Brunszvik, founder of the first kindergartens in Hungary (1775-1861) (Hungary, with the support of Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) 42 C/15 Annex – page 2
18. 150th anniversary of the birth of Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada, philosopher, social reformer and eminent spiritual leader (1874-1937) (India with the support of Cuba, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Thailand and Viet Nam)
19. 200th anniversary of the birth of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, Social reformer and philosopher, (1824-1883) (India, with the support of Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam)
20. 100th anniversary of the birth of Ali Akbar Navis, writer and humanist,(1924- 2003) (Indonesia with the support of Malaysia, Russian Federation, Thailand and Togo)
21. 475th anniversary the birth of Keumalahayati, heroic female figure (1550-1615) (Indonesia with the support of Malaysia, Russian Federation, Thailand and Togo)
22. 1000th anniversary of the birth of Amir ʿOnṣor-al-Maʿāli Kaykāvus (Kaykāʾus) b. Eskandar b. Qābus b. Vošmgir (Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Armenia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan)
23. 100th anniversary of the active life of Parvin E'tesami, poet (1907-1941) (Islamic Republic of Iran with the support of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan)
24. 100th anniversary of the death of Eleonora Duse, an icon on the global stage of theatre (1858-1924) (Italy with the support of Argentina, France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
25.100th anniversary of the birth of Nurgisa Tlendiev, composer and conductor (1925-1998) (Kazakhstan with the support of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)
26.100th anniversary of Berdibek Sokpakbaev, Children’s writer, poet, and screenwriter (1924-1991) (Kazakhstan with the support of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan)
27. 200th anniversary of the birth of Krišjānis Valdemārs, writer and lexicographer (1825-1891) (Latvia with the support of Estonia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
28.500th anniversary of the first printed book in Latvian (1525) (Latvia with the support of Estonia, Germany and Sweden)
29. 150th anniversary of the birth of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, painter and composer (1875-1911) (Lithuania with the support of Estonia, Latvia and Poland)
30. 150th anniversary of the birth of Aline Mayrisch de Saint-Hubert, woman of letters and philanthropist, committed to girls' education and women's rights (1874-1947) (Luxembourg with the support of France and Germany)
31.350th anniversary of the construction of Jibreen Palace (1675) (Oman with the support of Jordan and Saudi Arabia)
32.150th anniversary of the death of Ibn Ruzaiq, historian and poet (Oman with the support of Kuwait and Qatar)
33. 100th anniversary of the birth of Zbigniew Herbert, poet (1924-1998) (Poland with the support of Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia)
34. 100th anniversary of awarding the Nobel Prize to Władysław Reymont, writer (1867-1925) (Poland with the support of Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia)
35. 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões, poet (1524-1580) (Portugal, with the support of Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde and Mozambique)
36. 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National Museum of Qatar (Qatar with the support of Jordan, Oman, Sudan and Yemen)
37.100th anniversary of the birth of Solomon Marcus, mathematician (1925-2016) (Romania with the support of Bulgaria, France, Germany, Republic of Moldova, Poland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
38. 50th anniversary of joining the Romanian Academy of Ana Aslan, scientist (1897-1988) (Romania with the support of Bulgaria, France, Poland, Republic of Moldova and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
39. 500th anniversary of the founding of the Novodevichy Convent, Moscow (1524) (Russian Federation with the support of Armenia, Belarus and Serbia)
40. 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1724) (Russian Federation with the support of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)
41. 150th anniversary of the birth of Jozef Gregor Tajovský, novelist, playwright, poet and teacher (1874-1940) (Slovakia with the support of Czechia and Poland)
42. 25th Anniversary of the United Nations Proclamation of the International Day of Vesak Commemorating the Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing of Buddha, (Sri Lanka, with the support of India and Myanmar)
43. 950th anniversary of the Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk (Compendium of the Turkic dialects), written by the lexicographer and philologist Mahmud al-Kashgari (1074) (joint proposal by Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, with the support of Hungary, Mauritania, Morocco, Qatar and Tajikistan)
44. 550th anniversary of the death of Ali Qushji, scientist (1403-1474) (joint proposal by Türkiye and Uzbekistan, with the support of Azerbaijan, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Korea and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
45. 100th anniversary of the birth of Fuat Sezgin, historian and academician (1924-2018) (joint proposal by Türkiye and Germany, with the support of Malaysia, Serbia and Qatar)
46. 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi, poet (Turkmenistan with the support of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)
47. 100th anniversary of the birth of Nina Bocharova, gymnast (1924-2020) (Ukraine with the support of Finland, Italy and Poland)
48. 150th anniversary of the birth of Oleksandr Murashko, artist (1875-1919) (Ukraine with the support of Hungary, France and Germany)
49.100th anniversary of the Birth of Sultan bin Ali Al Owais, poet, writer and cultural icon (1925-2000) (United Arab Emirates, with the support of Bahrain and Kuwait)
50.200th anniversary of the formation of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a registered charity to prevent drowning at sea (1824) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with the support of Bangladesh, Ireland and United Republic of Tanzania)
51. 200th anniversary of the birth of Azhiniyaz Kosybay Uly, poet (1824-1878) (Uzbekistan with the support of Kazakhstan and Türkiye)
52. 300th anniversary of the birth of Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac, physician, (1724-1791) (Viet Nam with the support of India, Japan, Republic of Korea and Thailand)
53. 50 years of Kenneth David Kaunda's contribution to peace in Southern Africa (Zambia with the support of South Africa and Zimbabwe)
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