Practical Conference “National Experience in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan”
for the submission of articles and annotations for the Scientific and
Practical Conference
“National Experience in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan”
1. An article can be submitted to the scientific conference in Turkmen, English and Russian. The article must contain annotations in two other languages, their translation must be confirmed.
2. Every participant of the conference has the right to submit only one article. An article shall not have more than two authors. The article shall set out the conclusions of the research conducted by the author or authors.
3. The size of the article shall be A4 (210 × 297 mm), no more than 6 pages, each abstract up to 0.5 A4 pages.
4. Pages of articles and abstracts are not marked.
5. The text of the article shall be typed in Times New Roman, in one file and must have the following sequence:
Name, surname (full name) and position of the author shall be in bold 14 with alignment to the right of the displayed line;
The title of the article shall be placed with a capital letter in the center and in bold 16;
A line after the title shall be left after the text;
The main content of the article and annotations shall be written in a standard font size 14 and aligned to the line width. Line spacing must be 1;
Mathematical formulas must be written on a computer using appropriate formula editors;
Sizes of page margins: top and bottom 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, right - 1.5 cm.
References to literary sources are indicated by numbers in square brackets: [1], [2], [3-5] and so on. The list of used literature is placed after the annotation through 1 line with the title “References”.
6. Depending on the specifics of the scientific work, it is allowed to design an article in the form of images, formulas and tables. Moreover, each image should not exceed the specified page size, and the font shall be at least 14. The total volume of the article with images, formulas and tables shall not exceed six A4 pages.
7. Articles and abstracts are accepted only in Word format with the extension .doc (.docx).
8. Corrections and additions made by the author after the submission of the article are not accepted.
9. Submitted documents will not be returned.
10. The article must be checked at the author’s office (proofread) and sent in a letter signed by the head of the relevant institution.
11. The electronic version of the article and abstracts shall also be attached to the letter.
12. Electronic files shall not be archived.
13. The organizing team has the right to select articles depending on the relevance of articles.
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