Competition in the Russian language under the title “Russian language - a language of international communication and diplomacy”
for the organization and conduct of an intellectual competition in the Russian language
under the title “Russian language - a language of international communication and diplomacy” on the occasion of the Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan among students of
higher educational institutions of our country and member states of the
Commonwealth of Independent States majoring in “International Relations”.
The Regulation on holding an intellectual competition titled “Russian language – the language of interethnic communication and diplomacy” in the Russian language on the occasion of the Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan among students of higher educational institutions of our country and member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States was developed in order to implement the Plans for the implementation of the Concept for the development of the digital education in Turkmenistan and the Concept for the improvment of teaching foreign languages in Turkmenistan, approved by the Decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, as well as introducing innovations into the education system, increasing student interest in the Russian language, in one of the official languages of the UN.
Basic Provisions
The Regulation, being a normative document on the organization and holding of the competition in the Russian language among students of higher educational institutions of our country and member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, majoring in “International Relations” determines the procedure for its holding.
During the period of harmonious integration of the education system of Turkmenistan into the world scientific and educational system, the main task is to identify talented and enthusiastic young people. The study of foreign languages is one of the priorities of the country’s language policy. In addition to the native Turkmen language, much attention is paid to English and Russian, which are the most common foreign languages.
Knowledge of foreign languages helps to be fluent in information technology, to increase the level of intellectual development of person. The pace of development of the study of foreign languages in Turkmenistan, first of all, is directly related to the active participation of our country in projects of a regional and global scale. Also of particular importance is the role of knowledge of foreign languages in the promotion of ongoing progressive reforms, achieved successes and milestones, national heritage, material and spiritual values. Based on this, the necessary conditions are created to improve the teaching of foreign languages at all levels of the educational process.
Thus, the holding of the linguistic competition among the higher educational institutions of our country and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States will be a clear evidence of the complete transition of Turkmenistan to digital education and will demonstrate the skills of our young people to successfully master innovative technologies.
Competitions help identify talented youth who are able to successfully apply innovative technologies and independently solve complex problems in the rapidly developing market economy of Turkmenistan.
Objectives of the competition
1. To develop language skills, creativity and abilities of students;
2. To motivate students to learn one of the official languages of the UN and one of the widespread languages of diplomacy – Russian;
3. To master the lexical and grammatical structure of the Russian language;
4. To develop students’ writing skills in Russian.
5. To develop digital skills of students;
6. To identify talented and capable young people, raise their intellectual level;
7. To establish interaction between higher educational institutions through digital information and communication technologies.
Terms of the competition
1. Students majoring in international relations in higher educational institutions of our country and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States may take part in the competition;
2. Young people wishing to participate in the competition shall:
a) write an essay on the topic “Preventive Diplomacy” in Russian (text size - 2.5–3 pages, font Times New Roman, line spacing - 1.5, size –14 pt);
b) prepare a video about a place/places of interest of their country and send it to thethis e-mail address: hgiddkafedra429@gmail.com.
Procedure for organizing and holding the competition
1. Students wishing to take part in the competition, in addition to these tasks in electronic format, shall attach brief information - name and surname, country, higher educational institution in which they study, phone number, e-mail address, autobiography, as well as photo 3x4 for documents and send to the e-mail address hgiddkafedra429@gmail.com.
2. Each student participating shall be registered at the Institute’s email address hgiddkafedra429@gmail.com. The participant at the indicated address must submit information, including the name and surname, the name of the institution of higher education and the specialty.
3. Applications for participation in the competition will be admitted from the date of announcement until January 15, 2022.
Procedure for determining and awarding winners
1. The results of the competition will be determined in the first half of February 2022 based on the total number of points awarded by the jury.
2. The results of the competition are documented in protocols, and the composition of the winners is approved by the order of the rector of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan based on the decision of the jury.
3. Winners of the competition: the winners of the I, II and III places will be awarded at a solemn event on the occasion of the Day of Diplomats of Turkmenistan.
Contacts for communication:
tel.: +993 12 226876,
e-mail: hgiddkafedra429@gmail.com
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