“Young Messengers of Peace”: Active Participants Were Awarded
On May 31, 2024, at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, a ceremony was held to reward the teachers, employees and students of the institute who actively participated in the organization of the III season of the intelligence competition "Young Messengers of Peace."
As we know, recently, the III season of this famous intellectual competition with the slogan “Teachings of the Great Magtymguly Pyragy – the National Heritage of Universal Values” was successfully completed. At the awarding ceremony, teachers, employees and students of the institute were thanked for their hard work in the highly professional organization of this season of the competition in accordance with the relevant requirements, as well as for smooth broadcasting, and bringing unique emotions to the participants. In this regard, senior lecturer of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Institute, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Director of the Department of Social Sciences Begench Karayev, Candidate of History and senior lecturer Aina Baymuradova, teacher of the Department of Theory and Practice of Journalism Gulnabat Begenjova, employee of the Institute’s broadcasting studio Mekan Ovezberdiyev, as well as the students of the Faculty of International Relations Shasenem Meylisova, Nurmuhammet Annamyradov, Muhammed Haydarov, students of the Faculty of International Journalism Dovletgeldi Borjakov, Amangeldi Yegenov, Serdar Borjakov, Humay Meredova have shown active participation. Letters of Honor and valuable gifts from the economic society “Aydyn Gijeler” were solemnly presented to them.
the 2nd year student of the
Faculty of International Journalism
of the
Institute of International Relations
of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
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«Юные вестники мира»: новости проекта01/06/2024