Online Seminar Was Held
On February 5, 2025, in honor of "2025-The Year of International Peace and Confidence," an online seminar titled "The Year of International Peace and Trust Cooperation for the Benefit of Improving the Educational System" was held. The event was jointly organized by the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and UNESCO departments, clubs, and schools that are members of the Associated Schools Network of Turkmenistan.
Teachers and students of the UNESCO club "Culture of Peace of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan participated in the seminar online,
At the opening of the seminar, speeches were delivered by Ogulsabyr Berdiyeva, the Senior Lecturer of the Dovletmammet Azady Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Head of the UNESCO club "Languages of Peace, Meryem Berdiyeva, the Lecturer of the Myrat Garryyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan and Head of the UNESCO club "Our Medicinal Plants Our Health, Our Heritage, Ch. T. Rustemova, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Hero of Turkmenistan.
The seminar consisted of two parts B. Diwanguliyeva, the Senior Lecturer of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, and Head of the UNESCO department "Cultural Heritage: From Past to Future, delivered a speech titled "Educational Reforms Aimed at Global Peace, Prosperity, and Sustainable Development. Sh. Valiyeva, the Principal of the Specialized Secondary School No. 21 in Balkanabat, which is part of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, delivered a speech titled "Improving the Work of the National Network of UNESCO Associated Schools in Turkmenistan and Using Leading International Practices." A question-and-answer session during the presentations further enriched the discussions.
the 3rd-year student
of the Faculty of International Journalism of the Institute of International
Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.