Olympiad on history of Turkmenistan, mathematics, English and Turkmen languages
on holding an Olympiad (test) on Magtymguly’s poems on the theme of good neighbors, among members of the School of Young Diplomats, participants in the intellectual competition “Young Messengers of the World,” as well as among all schoolchildren in the country.
REGULATIONS on holding an Olympiad (test) on the topic “Doctrine of Peacefulness of Magtymguly Fragi” on March 6, 2024 at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan among 10-11 grades students of the country's secondary schools were developed based on the tasks set for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the “Concept for the development of the digital education system in Turkmenistan” approved by the President of Turkmenistan, as well as the plan for its implementation, the “Program for the transition of the science sector of Turkmenistan to digital systems for 2020- 2025”, “Curriculum of secondary schools on the history of Turkmenistan for V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII grades”, “Curriculum of secondary schools of Turkmenistan in literature for V-XII grades”, in order to identify and encourage talented youth, deepening their knowledge in academic subjects, developing the education system and improving teaching and educational activities, establishing effective connections between secondary and higher educational institutions, and career guidance for young people.
Basic regulations
1.1. These Regulations are a regulatory document on the organization and conduct of an Olympiad (testing) competition on Magtymguly’s poems on the theme of good neighbours among 10-11 grades students in the country and determines the rules for conducting this competition.
1.2. The main goal of the competition is to identify erudite youth among members of the School of Young Diplomats, participants in the intellectual competition “Young Messengers of the World,” as well as all 10-11 grades students in the country.
1.3 The organizer of the competition is the School of Young Diplomats of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
1.4. The conditions and terms of the competition are defined in these Regulations and this information is posted on the official website of the Institute (iirmfa.edu.tm).
2. Goals and objectives of the competition
2.1. To cultivate feelings of patriotism, high spirit and morality in the younger generation through poems by Magtymguly Fragi on the theme of peace, friendship and brotherhood, as well as incorporating the events of that time.
2.2. Disclosure and explanation of the content of the foreign policy implemented at the present time by our powerful state through the poems of Magtymguly Fragi.
2.3. Identifying talented youth among students of secondary schools in our country, creating conditions for their support, popularizing and promoting the role of science and knowledge among young people.
2.4. Encourage students from secondary schools of the country to further improvement of their knowledge and motivate them to engage in creative activities.
2.5. Identification of young people interested in foreign policy among students of secondary schools of our country.
3. The procedure for organizing and conducting the competition
3.1. Students of 10-11 grades of secondary schools in Turkmenistan can take part in the competition.
3.2. The requested information about students must be sent to the email, address specified in the Regulations before February 20, 2024, according to the sample, specified in Appendix 1 to these Regulations. The participant's login and password will be sent to the email addresses from which applications were sent before 02/27/2024.
3.3. The official language of the competition is Turkmen.
3.4. At the institute an Organizing Committee is created To conduct the competition.
3.5. The competition is an online test. Participants will be given a test of 100 questions.
3.6. Students who show the best results in the competition will be declared winners (the list will be posted on the institute’s website).
4. Contact information of the competition organizers
Annex 1.
A sample of information provided to the Organizing Committee about students applying for participation in the competition.
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ÜNS BERIŇ, BÄSLEŞIK - 2025!31/12/2024