Gurbanmuhamedova Gyzylgul Annamyradovna
Office phone: +99312-22-68-50
Department: International Economic Relations
Position: Lecturer
Degree: no
Faculty: Faculty of International Economic Relations
Gurbanmuhamedova Gyzylgul Annamyradovna graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Agricultural management of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov.
In 2009-2011 studied at the Pedagogical school named after A.Kekilow.
In 2011-2014 worked as a teacher at secondary school №3 of the Tejen city.
In 2014-2019 was a student of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov.
In 2019–2022 worked as an accountant in the branch of the State Commercial Bank "Dayhanbank" in the city of Tejen.
Since 2022 Lecturer at the Department of International Economic Relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
Course taught: World Economy, Economy of Turkmenistan, Models of the World Economy.
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