On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat,
the 30th anniversary of our Independence, as well as the birthday of Henry Dunant, founder of the International Humanitarian Law
and the International Committee of the Red Cross
The contest is dedicated to the birthday of Henri Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. It will be held on May 7, 2021, among the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Turkmenistan, the Faculty of Law of the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, and the International University for the Humanities and development.
vThe main purpose of the contest: This contest aims to enhance the knowledge participants of the competition on International law and International Humanitarian law.
v This competition is organized in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Turkmenistan and the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan.
vAll issues related to the competition are solved only by the contest organizers.
vThe competition is open to 6 students from each higher educational institution from each group.
vEach group should have their own chosen symbol.
v The competition consists of 4 contestants, prepared according the pre-determined conditions. Proper compliance with the conditions must also be carried out in accordance with the requirements of all participants.
vCompetition is held in Turkmen language ( answers are accepted in Russian and English)
vContestants can freely use the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols during the contest.
v The results of the competition are based on the decisions of the jury.
v According to the results of the competition the judges will present a letter of commendation and memorable gifts to the best team and the best performer.
v The information about the contest will be posted on the portal and website of the Institute (www.iirmfa.edu.tm) .
vVenue of the contest: Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Turkmenistan. Date: May 7, 2021. Time: 2:00 p.m.
vResponsible: Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Turkmenistan, Scientific Club of “Young Lawyers” (D. Ballyeva)
Contest conditions:
Introduction: (each group must introduce the name of group and it’s purpose, and select the name of the field, shooting plaque, a controls and emblems should be) a duration of 5 minutes.
Various questions: (answering specific questions to be answered by the facilitator)
Contest of the leaders of the Group: (groups must answer questions by the drawing lots)
Presentation or film preparation on International Humanitarian Law: (a duration of 5-7 minutes)