In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, this beautiful Turkmen land, inherited by our ancestors who made a great contribution to the formation and enrichment of the world culture, dating its back in the ancient times, is developing day by day. In this regard, the glorious history, the exemplary material and spiritual values and principles of our people created by them are an inspiring force and an excellent example of patriotism for today's generations. In particular, Turkmen land, which we have inherited, attracts many people with its wealth of historical monuments and the fact that it is the center of advanced civilizations dating back to ancient times. This is undoubtedly true not only at the national level but also in the international community. This is confirmed by the announcement in 2024 of the city of Anau - one of the oldest cultures of the world, formed thousands of years ago on the Turkmen lands - as the "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World". It is the sacred duty of every human being to pass on this historical heritage and values to future generations.
There is no doubt that the descriptions of the wonderful historical events that took place over the centuries are concentrated in written sources, cultural values, and folklore, and have found their worthy place in the spiritual world of generations. Fictions and books are the source of the spiritual culture of the people, which play an important role in role in this classical sense. In addition, our Hero Arkadag notes about the importance of books in human life, saying : "A book is a model of a person's heart, it is a mirror that reveals life. The book, which contains all the values of life, is the spiritual wealth of the people, the treasure of consciousness. In 2024, in the year of "The Fount wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi", a new book entitled "ANAU- culture originated from the millennia" by our esteemed President became a symbolic gift to our people. The formation of the Anau culture, which was formed on the ancient Turkmen land and took its worthy place in world archeology with its development, as well as its historical path are illuminated in this remarkable book.
In this valuable book, our esteemed President notes: "The purpose of writing this book is to acquaint my Turkmen and foreign readers with the breadth of the nation's outstanding activities and the greatness of efforts, as well as to encourage them to do noble deeds for the happy and bright future of our great country”. Indeed, this remarkable book, presented by our Arkadagly Hero Serdar to the Turkmen youth provides a great opportunity for future generations to learn about the historical roots, cultural and spiritual traditions of the Turkmen people formed over the centuries. Undoubtedly, this will greatly help to educate the young generations in love for their Fatherland and form good moral qualities such as exemplary patriotism, loyalty, and high morality.
the 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Relations of the
Institute of International Relations of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
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