Scientific works
The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan provided carring out by lecturers of the Institute, public scientific work between 2018-2023, in order to study scientifically the geopolitical and geoeconomic, legal, cultural-humanitarian directions of the "Concept of Turkmenistan's foreign policy for 2017-2023", this work concerns following 6 issues:
*"Development of Turkmenistan's foreign policy strategy and diplomacy on a scientific basis";
*"Urgent problems in International and Comparative Law";
*"The role of Turkmenistan in international economic relations";
*"The Role of Journalism in the Era of Prosperity";
*"Cooperation of Turkmenistan with other countries in cultural-humanitarian and environmental areas";
*"Important aspects in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes".
Currently, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan is conducting a collective scientific work for 2024-2026 years, entitled "The policy of Turkmenistan for ensuring regional security in Central Asia".