IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan invites schoolchildren to a lecture
The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan is organizing a lecture for schoolchildren who are members of the Young Diplomats School and participants of the upcoming IV Game of the III season of the project "Young Messengers of Peace".
The event will be held at the Institute on December 13 at 15:00. The lecture for schoolchildren will be conducted by Akhmet Annaberdyev, senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences at the Turkmen State Institute of Finance. The session will be devoted to the topic "International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Ottoman Empire in the XVII-XVIII centuries", which the schoolchildren will present at the IV Game of the intellectual competition "Young Messengers of Peace".
The lecture will help the participants to expand their knowledge on the topic. High school students will receive new useful information about the events of the historical era and the development of the national school of diplomacy during that period.
The IV Game of the qualifying round of the III season of the project "Young Messengers of Peace" will take place at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 20 this year. To assist the participants in preparing for the competition, a wide range of literature recommended by the project's organizing committee is also available on the institute's official website.
It is worth noting that the intellectual project is conducted by the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Young Diplomats School for students of 9-11 grades of schools of Turkmenistan and is aimed at career guidance of schoolchildren. The thematic content of the project covers different periods of the history of the Turkmen people.
Furthermore, the III season of the project for the 2023-2024 academic year is held under the general slogan "Teachings of the Great Magtymguly Pyragy - national beacon of universal values", in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, the greatest poet and philosopher of the East. Based on this, all games of the season also include tasks dedicated to the life and literary heritage of this brilliant creator.
Anastasia Kasyanova