The main goal of this propaganda event is to spread discipline and national moral principles among the young generation, especially students, to encourage them to stay away from harmful habits, to explain the harm that tobacco products cause to human health, to prevent violations, to improve the health, activity and life of young people. Explaining the effective ways of stretching, raising awareness of the effects of physical activity on human health among young people about these issues, followed the principles of "Ways to Live a Healthy Life".
Speakers at the meeting emphasized that in our Independent Country, the importance is attached to maintaining the moral purity of the Turkmen society, educating our future youth in the spirit of patriotism, avoiding harmful habits, following healthy lifestyles. They also noted that drunkenness harms human health, breaks up families, has a negative effect on child upbringing, that under the influence of alcohol, people lose their sense of responsibility towards society and the disadvantages of some social networks.
During the outbreak of current seasonal diseases, it is advisable to turn to the methods of folk medicine. In the multi-volume "Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan" books of our esteemed Arkadag, comprehensive information is provided on the healing properties of plants growing in the Turkmen land to prevent infectious diseases. There are many benefits of swimming in medicinal plants in the treatment of chronic diseases. Its smoke has been scientifically proven to kill bacteria and germs. Currently, in all sports facilities of the country, frequent fumigation of swimming pools, preventive cleaning, and use of antiseptics are highly organized and performed daily.
At the end of the advocacy event, the participants expressed their appreciation to the President of Turkmenistan, who creates all opportunities for the deep introduction of healthy lifestyles in the country.
Begmuhammet ORAZOV,
the 1st year student of the faculty of International law of
Institute of International Relations of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.