International day for the Eradication of Poverty
The history of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is inextricably linked with the date of October 17, 1987. On that day, more than a hundred thousand people gathered at the Trocadero Square in Paris, where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948, to pay tribute to the victims of extreme poverty, violence and hunger.
The participants stated that poverty is a violation of human rights, and confirmed the need to work together to ensure respect for these rights. The relevant statements are inscribed on the Memorial Stone, which was opened that day.
Since then, people of various classes and social origins have been gathering annually on October 17 to confirm the immutability of their position and demonstrate solidarity with the poor. The same memorial stones have been discovered in many countries of the world, and they are a gathering place for the Day. One such stone is located in the garden of the United Nations Headquarters, where a solemn ceremony is held annually organized by the United Nations Secretariat in New York.
In 1992, by its resolution (A/RES/47/196), the UN General Assembly declared October 17 the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and called on all States to devote this Day to carrying out and promoting, depending on the specifics of the country, specific activities related to the eradication of poverty. And the purpose of this Day is to raise awareness of the need to fight for the eradication of poverty in all countries.
In a world with such a developed economy, technology and the availability of financial resources, it is unacceptable that millions of people live in extreme poverty. Poverty is not just an economic problem, it deprives people of the opportunity to lead a decent life and exercise their rights, including safe working and living conditions, abundance of healthy food, access to justice and healthcare, etc.
According to the UN, 736 million people live below the poverty line, that is, on $1.90 per day, and by 2030, 7% of the world's population, or 575 million people, may be in extreme poverty.
In the resolution, the Assembly called upon intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to assist States, upon their request, in organizing national events in connection with the observance of the Day and requested the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures, within existing resources, to ensure the successful observance of the Day by the United Nations.
October 17 is a day when the world can actively draw attention to the hardships and disasters of people living in poverty, when they can publicly declare their problems, and when it is possible to recognize that the poor have a major role in the fight against poverty. From the very beginning of the Day, its most important component was the participation of representatives of the poor themselves. The holding of the Day on October 17 also demonstrates the desire of people living in poverty to use their experience and knowledge to help eradicate poverty.
Moreover, every year the events held within the framework of the Day are devoted to a specific topic, among which in different years were: "By common efforts we will end poverty", "Human rights and dignity of people living in poverty", "Children and families stand against poverty", "From poverty to decent work: bridging the gap", "Leaving no One behind: Think, solve and act together against extreme poverty", "Building a sustainable future: Ending poverty and discrimination together", "Act together to achieve social and environmental justice for all people", "Dignity for all in practice", etc.
Yagshymyrat OVEZOV,
the 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Economic Relations
of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan
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