Hurry up! Contest on drawing a picture on the topic «Beauty of the nature-2030»
Youth conferences was held in some velayats dedicated on the climate change
issues by the organization of Permanent Representative of the UN Ambassador,
Embassies of the Great Britain and United Arab Emirates preliminary Convention
on the frames of Youth Conference (COY-18) and the UN Climate Change issues.
Final conference is planned to hold on 03.11.2023y. in “Archabil” hotel.
The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Turkmenistan holds a contest among the pupils of all schools on the topic: “The
Beauty of a Nature -2030” on the purpose of increasing their ecological
conceptions and cultures. All interested participants shall send their pictures in the
format of A3/A4 until 01.11.2023y. (address: Galkynysh str., 25.) Surname, name,
school no., grade and tel.number of the participant shall be noted on the back of
picture. Winners are awarded with the presents and shall have a privilege of
participation to the Turkmen Youth Conference dedicated to the Climate Change
of the drawing contest “The Beauty of Nature-2030”
Asrlan Arturov – the pupil of 10 “A” grade of secondary school №64 of Lebap
province of Charjew district
Altynay Durdumyhammedowa – the pupil of 11 “Ç” grade of secondary
school №33 of Mary province of Murgap district