Ezimova Ogulgurban
Work phone: +99312-22-68-50
Department: Social Sciences
Position: Interim Head of the Department of Social
Scientific degree: Candidate in Philosophy
Faculty: International law
Education: 1979, Turkmen Agricultural
University named after S. Niyazov,
1983, Higher Komsomol School of the
Russian Federation in Moscow,
1992, Russian Academy of Management
(post graduate school), and Russian Academy of Management (marketing and
The main published scientific and
educational works:
1. New ecological thinking - a necessary
factor in the optimization of interpersonal relations // Ethics and problems of
the modern moral situation: Materials of the scientific-practical
conference.-M., 1991
2. Problems of environmental
forecasting. // Abstracts of the Interuniversity Scientific Conference of Young
Scientists-Lipetsk, 1992
3. The general philosophical foundations
of ecological humanism of Magtymguly. Brochure. M., 1992
4. From 1996 until 1997 by participating
in the scientific-project competition announced by the Supreme Council for
Science and Technology under the President of Turkmenistan, organized
scientific and practical activities togehter with lecturers and scientists of
the Magtymguly State University on the theme "Some problems of ecology and
ecological management".
The curriculum of the course
"Ecology and International Relations" was prepared for the students
of the Faculty of International Relations of Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
5. Ecological aspects in creativity of
Magtymguly. Journal “Ecologycal culture and Environment
Protection”, 2014
6. Improving the Ecological Culture.
Journal “Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan”, 2018
Awards: Medal of Turkmenistan “Gayrat”, Jubilee Medal
for the “20th Anniversary of Turkmenistan's Independence”.
Member of electoral organizations: Member of the Mejlis of
Turkmenistan II, III convocation
Member of the Academic Councils: Member of the Academic Council of
the Academy of State Service under the President of Turkmenistan
Teaching disciplines: Philosophy, Ecology and
environmental protection, Logic, Modern Turkmen Society, Fundamentals of
Scientific Activity
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