Efforts to strengthen international cooperation
As a neutral state, Turkmenistan consistently utilizes the UN platform to promote initiatives aimed at strengthening peace, international cooperation, and sustainable development. Since joining the United Nations in 1992, Turkmenistan has actively contributed proposals on a wide range of issues—from energy security and transportation to preventive diplomacy and environmental protection.
Let us examine the main areas where Turkmenistan has demonstrated its diplomatic activity and assess the significance of the resolutions adopted.
Peace and Diplomacy: The Concept of Neutrality.
One of the key elements of the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan is neutrality, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly in December 12, 1995. Another resolution was adopted, reaffirming the country's permanent neutrality. Moreover, in 2017, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Neutrality, which is now observed annually on December 12. Additionally, Turkmenistan introduced Resolution, highlighting the role of neutrality in maintaining peace and sustainable development. These initiatives underscore the country’s commitment to promoting peaceful diplomatic methods for conflict resolution.
Preventive Diplomacy and Confidence-Building.
A significant contribution by Turkmenistan to global security is its support for preventive diplomacy mechanisms. In this context, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia plays a crucial role, with its activities affirmed in three resolutions. Furthermore, Turkmenistan initiated the adoption of the International Year of Peace and Trust in 2019 and the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace (2022), underscoring its commitment to fostering a culture of diplomatic engagement.
Transport and Logistics as a Factor of Sustainable Development.
Turkmenistan is one of the leading countries in the region in the field of transport logistics. Recognizing the importance of infrastructure development, the country has initiated several UN resolutions aimed at the expansion of multimodal corridors: the role of transport and transit corridors in ensuring international cooperation for Sustainable Development (2014), Towards Comprehensive Cooperation among All Modes of Transport for Promoting Sustainable Multimodal Transit Corridors (2015), strengthening the Links Between All Modes of Transport to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (2017). Strengthening the Links Between All Modes of Transport to Ensure Stable and Reliable International Transport for Sustainable Development During and After the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
Additionally, Turkmenistan proposed the establishment of World Sustainable Transport Day, emphasizing the need for environmentally friendly and efficient transportation.
Energy Security and International Cooperation
Another strategic area for Turkmenistan is ensuring reliable energy transit. Resolutions in 2008 and in 2013 affirmed the importance of stable energy supply chains.
In recent years, Turkmenistan has continued to address this issue, particularly in Resolution in 2023, which emphasizes the “pivotal role of reliable and stable energy connectivity” in driving sustainable development.
Environmental and Climate Initiatives.
Turkmenistan plays an important role in addressing regional environmental challenges. One of the country's priorities is the preservation of the Aral Sea ecosystem, which focus on UN cooperation with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Moreover, Turkmenistan has proposed the concept of environmentally sustainable transport, which has been reflected in initiatives such as World Bicycle Day in 2018, integration of Mass Bicycle Use into Public Transport Systems for Sustainable Development in 2022. These initiatives demonstrate Turkmenistan’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint in the transport sector.
Development of Regional Cooperation.
Turkmenistan actively promotes the integration of Central Asian countries. A significant step in this direction was the adoption of Resolution on the establishment of a Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation of Central Asia. Additionally, cooperation with the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) has been highlighted in Resolution, which focuses on the development of economic and transport ties. An analysis of Turkmenistan’s proposed UN resolutions demonstrates that the country takes an active stance in addressing global and regional challenges. The key areas of Turkmenistan’s initiatives include strengthening peace and trust, developing transport and energy infrastructure, preserving the environment, and promoting economic integration.
These initiatives contribute not only to strengthening the country’s position on the international stage but also to advancing global processes of sustainable development and security. Turkmenistan continues to advance its diplomatic efforts amid significant transformations in international and interstate relations, growing global and regional tensions, and emerging conflicts worldwide. In this context, the country has proposed a new approach to international relations. The adopted Concept of Activities and Priorities of Turkmenistan within the framework of the International Year of Peace and Trust in 2025 emphasizes the to direct efforts to consolidate international cooperation. On behalf of the Institute express our sincere gratitude to our National Leader of the Turkmen people, to the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Hero Arkadag and to our Highly Esteemed President sound health, long life and great success in their noble endeavors for the benefit of the nation and humanity! May the prestige of our beloved Homeland as a state that upholds the principles of neutrality, peace, good neighborliness, and friendship continue to strengthen on the international stage!
Gulshat Yusupova,
Rector of the Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan
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