The Melody of Friendship and Brotherhood Was Performed
On October 31, 2023, a concert of masters of culture and art was held at the National Music and Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly dedicated to the culture and music of the Central Asian states and the Republic of Korea.
The concert dedicated to the culture and folk art of the Central Asian countries and the Republic of Korea started with the song "My Country" performed by the National Artist of Turkmenistan Sahydursun Khojakova and the State Choir of Turkmenistan. The effective use of modern technologies has given a special touch to festive music and has led to the formation of live performances on stage. The concert was harmoniously combined with Turkmen, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Korean song and dances prepared by masters of culture and art of Turkmenistan, folk dance groups. The melodies of the music from Belent created an uplifting mood in the crowd.
"Kushtdepdi" dance performed by the folklore group “Lachyn” added to the excitement of the guests. The concert was concluded with the performance of the folk artist of Turkmenistan Akmuhammet Khanov and the famous artist of Turkmenistan Chynar Jumayeva with the song "Friendship and Brotherhood." This testifies to the fact that friendship and brotherhood between our countries and cultural and humanitarian relations are more fruitful.
Suray Nazarova,
The 1st year student of the Faculty of International Journalism
of the Institute
of international relations
of the
Ministry of foreign affairs of Turkmenistan.