On December 25, 2024 at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan the "Council of Young Scientists" together with the institute's scientific organizations organized an exhibition entitled " Hunarim-Buysanjym (My profession is my Pride)". The exhibition participated students from the 37th specialized high school of intensive foreign language education in Ashgabat, the 68th specialized high school of intensive foreign language education named after Annanyaz Artyk, the 72nd specialized secondary school named after the Hero of Turkmenistan Gurbansoltan Eje, the 76th specialized secondary school and teaches from in-depth humanities and foreign language courses the 21st specialized education-mentoring school of Ashgabat municipality.
At the exhibition the students of the Institute's International Relations and Diplomacy, International Law, International Economic Relations and International Journalism faculties made presentations related to their professions and introduced school students to their professional characteristics. Schoolchildren got answers to their questions. The organization of such events is of great importance for young people to choose a profession, to increase their love for their profession, and to develop into skilled professionals.
4th year student of the Faculty of International Law
of the
Institute of International Relations
of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.